Even when we've prayed all our lives, it's not always easy to know if our prayers are being answered. 
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If you’re getting more comfortable with prayer, you might feel like you’re still missing one important part—getting an answer to your prayers. That’s natural. God answers our prayers in so many ways and His answers can come so subtly sometimes that it takes practice to recognize His influence in your life.

One of the most consistent ways God answers prayers is through the Holy Ghost, sometimes referred to as the Spirit. When you pray, you can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost in your mind and heart.
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This passage from the New Testament helps us learn to recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost.
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Getting answers to your prayers takes work on your part. If you’re praying for an answer to a problem, taking time to study the issue and ponder your options will put you in a position to recognize God’s answer to you.

A good way to help you focus on how God has answered your prayers is to offer prayers of gratitude. As you take time to search for and acknowledge good things in your life and the world around you, you’ll be blessed with clarity about God’s hand in your life.

Thank you so much for joining us as we explored some essential questions about prayer. We hope you enjoyed the journey and gained a greater appreciation for the power of prayer in your life.

If you haven’t had the opportunity for missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints to pray with you and share an uplifting message about prayer, you can request a visit now.
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