Welcome to The Teachings of Jesus Christ, a 12-part email series. 
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Get to Know Jesus Christ
Welcome to The Teachings of Jesus Christ, a 12–part email series from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints that will introduce you to some of the teachings of Jesus that have inspired Christians around the world to follow Him.

Before you learn about Jesus’s teachings, we first answer an important question: Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Was Chosen to Save Us All

As Christians, we believe in a higher power—God, the father of our spirits. We lived with God before we were born, and He created a perfect plan of happiness for all of us. We would come to earth to gain a physical body, face challenges, and to learn and grow to become more like God before returning to live with Him and receive all the great blessings He has for us.

God knew that we would make mistakes here on earth that would make us unworthy to return to live in His perfect, holy presence. We would need a Savior—someone able to pay the price for all our mistakes and overcome death, so that we had a path to return to live with God and our families in joy and peace forever.

Jesus Christ volunteered to come to earth to save us all from sin and death. He was chosen by God to be the Savior of the world, and under God’s direction He created the earth.

Jesus Was More Than a Great Teacher

We learn from the Bible and the Book of Mormon—holy books of scripture written by ancient prophets and historians—that Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago near Jerusalem as the literal Son of God.

Jesus was a master teacher who set the perfect example for us to follow in order to gain eternal life with God. But we believe He was more than just a teacher or performer of miracles.

When He was falsely accused of crimes and sentenced to die by being nailed to a cross, Jesus suffered and died for all of us. He took on our pain and our sins so we can be relieved of those burdens if we repent and follow Him. On the third day after His death, Jesus was resurrected from the dead. His sacrifice and His victory over death make it possible for us to gain eternal life with God.

Our Lives are Better When We Follow Jesus

In Jesus’s time, people questioned whether He was truly who He said He was. He taught that anyone who follows His teachings can know the truth of “whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself” (see John 7:17).

In thousands of years since, billions of people around the world have put Jesus’s words to the test and found that following Him has made them a better person and brought them true joy. They believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, because they have seen the blessings He promised in their lives when they live His teachings.

You, too, can follow Jesus’s teachings and see how they change your life for the better.
Get Personal Answers about How You Can Follow Jesus
Following Jesus can bring you joy and peace. The rest of this email journey will teach you more about what it means to follow Jesus and help you get to know His teachings. You can also request a visit from missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints in your area. They will share more about Jesus, introduce you to the holy books of scripture that teach about Jesus, invite you to worship with us at church, and help you learn more about how to be a true follower of Jesus.
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