Missionaries can help you continue learning about Jesus's teachings. 
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Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
Jesus Christ taught many important truths to His followers during His time on earth, but He was sent here for an even greater purpose than to teach.

As part of His great plan of happiness, God sent Jesus Christ to pay the price of our sins so that we can someday be resurrected and live with God and our families in heaven for eternity.

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

When He knew His time had come, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffering so much for all of the sin and pains and sorrows of the world that He sweat drops of blood. He was then betrayed, beaten, mocked, put on trial, and put to death by Roman soldiers, who nailed Him to a wooden cross.

In all of this, Jesus gained a perfect, divine understanding of what every person on this earth has ever suffered. Whatever your struggle, your Savior knows what you are going through, and He knows how to help you if you turn to Him.

On the third day after His death, Jesus rose from the dead, overcoming physical death just as He had overcome the spiritual death of sin.

By living the teachings of Jesus and having faith in Him, you can receive more peace and happiness in this life and inherit a life of unimaginable, eternal joy with God.
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Keep Learning with Us
We hope you enjoyed the Teachings of Jesus Christ email journey. This is your final email of the series, but we invite you to continue learning with us in person.

Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints in your area can visit with you and teach you more about following Jesus. A few of the things they can help you with include:
  • Answering your questions about what you have read about Jesus so far.
  • Teaching you more about our beliefs.
  • Introducing you to the Bible and the Book of Mormon so you can study more of the scriptures included in these emails.
  • Teaching you how to pray.
  • Inviting you to worship Jesus with us at church.
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