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Church can help you connect with God and with good people in your community. Come and see for yourself this Sunday! The missionaries will save a seat for you and introduce you to members of the congregation. Just tap the button below to let them know you’re interested.
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5 Ways Church Can Benefit You
Feel God’s love
​God loves you and wants to hear from you. You can build your relationship with Him at church each week through prayer and worship. ​

Remember Jesus Christ
Church is where we take the sacrament, which Jesus introduced before His Crucifixion and Resurrection as a way to remember His sacrifice and renew our commitment to Him.

Find peace
Worshipping at church can bring you peace amid the chaos of modern life, helping you refocus and recharge before facing the challenges of the next week. ​

Make new friends
At church, we try to build a supportive community of people who look out for each other as we all try to be better followers of Jesus Christ. ​

Learn new things
During our main worship meeting and Sunday School classes, we all learn together as we listen to sermons from a diverse group of people, study the scriptures, and share insights about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Church is more than a building—it’s a community. Come join us in trying to live more like Jesus Christ every day through loving God and loving our neighbors.
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