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Missionary Intro – Missionary

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Email Name: 001^132177 Missionary Intro Missionary Request

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Hello {{lead.First Name:default=there}},Your request to Meet with Missionaries has been received by the local missionaries in the surrounding {{lead.MD-ABP-Area-City:default=local}} area. They will be in contact shortly with more information. If you would like to connect with the missionaries more quickly, feel welcome to reply to this email as they are CC’d or call or text them directly. Missionary Contact Information:{{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-Type}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-FirstName}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-LastName}}{{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-Type}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-FirstName}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-LastName}}{{lead.MD-ABP-Area-Phone:default=1-877-537-0003}}In the meantime, we invite you to visit to learn more about Jesus Christ and His Church. Thanks {{lead.First Name:default=again}}!Your Friends at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints

CTA: Learn More

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Missionaries


Subject Line: {{lead.First Name:default=Hello}}, your request to Meet with the Missionaries will be fulfilled by these local representatives.

Preheader: They will be in contact shortly with more information.

Missionary Intro – Book of Mormon

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Email Name: 002^132176 Missionary Intro Book of Mormon

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Hello {{lead.First Name:default=there}},Your request for a Book of Mormon has been received by the local missionaries in the surrounding {{lead.MD-ABP-Area-City:default=local}} area. They will be in contact shortly with more information. If you would like to connect with the missionaries more quickly, feel welcome to reply to this email as they are CC’d or call or text them directly. Missionary Contact Information:{{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-Type}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-FirstName}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-LastName}}{{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-Type}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-FirstName}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-LastName}}{{lead.MD-ABP-Area-Phone:default=1-877-537-0003}}In the meantime, we invite you to visit to learn more about Jesus Christ and His Church. Thanks {{lead.First Name:default=again}}!Your Friends at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints

CTA: Learn More

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Book of Mormon


Subject Line: {{lead.First Name:default=Hello}}, your Book of Mormon request will be fulfilled by these local representatives.

Preheader: They will be in contact shortly with more information.

Missionary Intro – Bible

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Email Name: 003^132175 Missionary Intro Bible

Language: eng

Hero Copy: Hello {{lead.First Name:default=there}},Your request for a Bible has been received by the local missionaries in the surrounding {{lead.MD-ABP-Area-City:default=local}} area. They will be in contact shortly with more information. If you would like to connect with the missionaries more quickly, feel welcome to reply to this email as they are CC’d or call or text them directly. Missionary Contact Information:{{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-Type}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-FirstName}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary1-LastName}}{{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-Type}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-FirstName}} {{lead.MD-ABP-Missionary2-LastName}}{{lead.MD-ABP-Area-Phone:default=1-877-537-0003}}In the meantime, we invite you to visit to learn more about Jesus Christ and His Church. Thanks {{lead.First Name:default=again}}!Your Friends at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‑day Saints

CTA: Learn More

Landing Page:

Video Name:

Tag/Theme: Missionaries


Subject Line: {{lead.First Name:default=Hello}}, your Bible request will be fulfilled by these local representatives.

Preheader: They will be in contact shortly with more information.